Swiss Security, Global Trust

Programska oprema Phoenix Whistleblowing Software, namenjena zagotavljanju izjemne varnosti, izkorišča svetovno znano natančnost in zanesljivost, povezano s Švico.

Naše strežnike, ki se nahajajo v Švici, urejajo strogi švicarski predpisi o varstvu podatkov, ki zagotavljajo najvišjo raven varnosti za vaše občutljive podatke.

Orodja programske opreme, razvita in upravljana v Švici, zagotavljajo robustno platformo za vaše potrebe žvižgačev.

V naši zavezi k ohranjanju vašega zaupanja omejujemo interakcije s tretjimi osebami in tako zmanjšujemo tveganje kršitev podatkov.

S programsko opremo Phoenix Whistleblowing Software uživajte v brezskrbnosti, ki jo prinaša varnost švicarske stopnje, zasnovana za zaščito in izpolnjevanje potreb vaše organizacije po skladnosti

Swiss Security, Global Trust

Dedicated to delivering exceptional security, Phoenix Whistleblowing Software leverages the world-renowned precision and reliability associated with Switzerland.

Our servers, located in Switzerland, are governed by stringent Swiss data protection regulations, ensuring top-tier security for your sensitive information.

The software's tools, developed and managed in Switzerland, provide a robust platform for your whistleblowing needs.

In our commitment to preserving your trust, we limit third-party interactions, mitigating the risk of data breaches.

With Phoenix Whistleblowing Software, enjoy the peace of mind that comes with Swiss-grade security, designed to protect and serve your organisation's compliance needs

Swiss Security, Global Trust

Dedicated to delivering exceptional security, Phoenix Whistleblowing Software leverages the world-renowned precision and reliability associated with Switzerland.

Our servers, located in Switzerland, are governed by stringent Swiss data protection regulations, ensuring top-tier security for your sensitive information.

The software's tools, developed and managed in Switzerland, provide a robust platform for your whistleblowing needs.

In our commitment to preserving your trust, we limit third-party interactions, mitigating the risk of data breaches.

With Phoenix Whistleblowing Software, enjoy the peace of mind that comes with Swiss-grade security, designed to protect and serve your organisation's compliance needs