Šveices drošība, globālais trests

Phoenix Whistleblowing Software, kas ir veltīta izcilas drošības nodrošināšanai, izmanto pasaulē atzīto precizitāti un uzticamību, kas saistīta ar Šveici.

Mūsu serverus, kas atrodas Šveicē, regulē stingri Šveices datu aizsardzības noteikumi, kas nodrošina augstākā līmeņa drošību jūsu sensitīvajai informācijai.

Programmatūras rīki, kas izstrādāti un pārvaldīti Šveicē, nodrošina stabilu platformu jūsu trauksmes celšanas vajadzībām.

Apņemoties saglabāt jūsu uzticību, mēs ierobežojam trešo pušu mijiedarbību, mazinot datu pārkāpumu risku.

Izmantojot Phoenix Whistleblowing Software, izbaudiet sirdsmieru, ko nodrošina Šveices līmeņa drošība, kas izstrādāta, lai aizsargātu un apkalpotu jūsu organizācijas atbilstības vajadzības.

Swiss Security, Global Trust

Dedicated to delivering exceptional security, Phoenix Whistleblowing Software leverages the world-renowned precision and reliability associated with Switzerland.

Our servers, located in Switzerland, are governed by stringent Swiss data protection regulations, ensuring top-tier security for your sensitive information.

The software's tools, developed and managed in Switzerland, provide a robust platform for your whistleblowing needs.

In our commitment to preserving your trust, we limit third-party interactions, mitigating the risk of data breaches.

With Phoenix Whistleblowing Software, enjoy the peace of mind that comes with Swiss-grade security, designed to protect and serve your organisation's compliance needs

Swiss Security, Global Trust

Dedicated to delivering exceptional security, Phoenix Whistleblowing Software leverages the world-renowned precision and reliability associated with Switzerland.

Our servers, located in Switzerland, are governed by stringent Swiss data protection regulations, ensuring top-tier security for your sensitive information.

The software's tools, developed and managed in Switzerland, provide a robust platform for your whistleblowing needs.

In our commitment to preserving your trust, we limit third-party interactions, mitigating the risk of data breaches.

With Phoenix Whistleblowing Software, enjoy the peace of mind that comes with Swiss-grade security, designed to protect and serve your organisation's compliance needs